
Oct 4, 2006

Happy Dussera for UWB customers

It was a Happy Dussera for United Western Bank customers as RBI approved the merger of UWB with IDBI Bank and lifted the moratorium wef 03.10.2006. The shareholders will also be happy because they get Rs.28 per share they own. But this merger raises many questions: 1. What is the rationale for setting price of Rs.28 per share, we have seen some merger cases where the shareholders were totally ignored, so what makes UWB special case where RBI fixed share price above privailing market price. 2. When many of better banks were eyeing for the merger what made RBI to select IDBI bank the suitable candidate? 3. When nationalised banks are serving better for the betterment of the country than the private banks and there were many nationalised banks also in the race, why RBI sold UWB to profit motived IDBI Bank?

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