
Dec 27, 2013

Invest in Corporation Bank 1111 deposit

Corporation Bank has introduced a new deposit of 1111 days. This is limited period offer from the bank and the bank is offering 9.11% p.a. for the same. The deposit can be fixed or cumulative. But the Senior Citizen will not be getting additional rate on the same.

Wage Settlement of Bank employees

UBFU on its meeting held on 23rd December 2013 on wage settlement of Bank Employees which is pending for more than one year without any progress  decided to go on 48 hours strike from 20th January 14 to 22nd January 14. Its also to be noted that the employees went on one day strike on 18th December 2013.

Notes with writings

There is rumors that Banks will not accept currency notes with any writings on it from 1st January 2014. Its also seen that many customers are calling their bank to know the matter and many have promptly deposited those currency notes at banks or exchanged them. But banks have not received any communications till date regarding the non-acceptance on currency notes with writings on it. But if implemented it will be good move.