
Nov 29, 2007

Realty claims a third of private bank loans

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.For every Rs 10 lent by new private banks, Rs 3 was lent to the real estate sector. In FY07, 32% of their loans were to the ‘sensitive’ real estate market, including direct and indirect exposures. This was despite tightening of lending norms during the period. Even foreign banks had a high share of 26.3% of its total advances in the market in FY07. In contrast, public sector and old private sector banks were more conservative in their real estate exposures with shares at 15.1% and 16.6% of their respective total loans in FY07. Interestingly, the real estate exposure rose sharply, despite several prudential measures initiated by the central bank during the fiscal year, requiring banks to set aside additional capital.

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